Important Information for Volunteer Coaches
Background Check
REQUIRED for all Head Coaches that wish to help with Fluvanna Girls Softball League.
NO ONE is allowed on the field or in the dug out with players without permission from the Head Coach OR an approved Background Screening.
Free NAYS Certification
It is recommended that each coach is certified in each sport you are coaching. Coach certification will be reimbursable to all coaches, and must be renewed annually.
- First time coaching? Visit the NAYS website, create an account and log into the NAYS Training site to complete your training.
- Coached before? Visit the NAYS website to log into your NAYS account and renew your certification.
- After completing your online training (first time and returning coaches), provide a copy of your receipt which shows your payment made for the training, and a copy of your NAYS certification so we can reimburse you for your training.
*$20 fee refundable, print certification and submit to FGSL for reimbursement with name, address and phone number included.
Concussion Training
Dixie Softball, Inc Homepage
Link to Dixie Rulebook (pdf)